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. by Yannis Tritsibidas with the collaboration of Nicole Pham production IDOU! and Vox documentaries
. . The portrait of an extraordinary man: Costas Sarandidis/Nguyen Van Lap from Salonica Greece, caught by the Nazis and sent to Germany in 1943 at the age of 17, enrolled at the end of Second War in the French Foreign Legion in Algeria and Indochina, deserted joining the Vietminh Liberation Army, fought in its ranks in central and south Vietnam till the Vietnamese victory of 195 4- beeing between other tasks the responsible of the war prisoners camp - worked in north Vietnam in different services (mines, print factory, cinema (playing roles of bad occidental) till he went back in Greece in 1965 with his second Vietnamese wife and children. Through this life journey, an interrogation on identity, lost and found.
. click for the ENGLISH SUBTITLES of the 88 min. documentary.
. The film has been granted with the FIRST PRICE of the 6th GREEK DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL in Chalkida and with "Sponsorship award of the ERASMUS EURO MEDIA AWRDS 2014", Vienna october 10-2014 and has been screened in TRIANON cine theater , Athens on november 2014.
see more about the film in facebook :
english trailers: https://vimeo.com/106936804 2’36’’min. trailer “VIET COSTAS. CITIZENSHIP: UNDEFINED” documentary engl. subtitles http://vimeo.com/36595840 1.22’’ min. trailer VIET COSTAS documentary engl. subtitled https://vimeo.com/113111060 a 3 min. 35’’ video on VIET COSTAS documentary : Yannis Tritsibidas short interview+ Costas Sarantidis fragment + film trailer and a short video on BACK TO VIENNA AFTER 70 years-ERASMUS EURO MEDIA AWARDS 2014 ceremony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL2U_dctOaw&feature=share . . |